Tinted charcoal (sauce) sets of 5
Sauce is a soft drawing material in the form of crayons, made from a mixture of clay, chalk, glue and coloring agents.
Sauce can be black, white, brown and gray (either pure color or in different shades of warm and cool tones). This material has great covering power and gives beautiful velvety tones from very dark to very light, with many tonal gradations.
Sauce is convenient for quick sketches as well as for careful modeling of the form. The dry technique of working with sauce is similar to the technique of working with charcoal. With the help of spreading you can achieve transitions from lighter colors to darker ones. Sauce is well soluble in water, so it can be worked in the so-called wet way with a brush.
Useful tips: An interesting technique is to cover the entire sheet with a dark gray tone of water-diluted sauce and dry it. The resulting tone is taken as the general tone of the future drawing, selecting with an eraser first light places, then halftones. The work is completed by strengthening deep shadows with wet or dry sauce.